Provide Hardware-Assisted Endpoint Security for Remote Workers with Intel vPro®
The latest Intel vPro platform improves employees’ remote-work experiences within a hardened security environment.
IT Efficiency Starts with Hardware-Based Security. Learn Why.
The return to office is underway, but many employees are still working remotely and that means that security risks can multiply exponentially. To mitigate these risks, organizations must implement a range of best practices and technologies, including security software. So how can enterprises ensure their PCs are using the latest security features and are continuously updated for emerging threats
without compromising their employees’ remote working experiences and PC performance?
This Intel ebook explains how Intel vPro is a business computing foundation that integrates hardware and software technologies to give IT organizations greater control over PCs while keeping their users productive. Discover how Intel vPro can help increase security above the OS, saving your business from breaches and giving back valuable IT hours. Download now and dig deeper into the hardware-enhanced security protections that are ready to use right out of the box.
This Intel eBook Will Help You:
Find out how the Intel vPro platform helps keep PCs and data secure with hardware-enhanced protections, right out of the box, with no configuration needed, simplifying implementation for IT organizations.
See how by optimizing capabilities and security features that normally reside behind company firewalls, Intel vPro provides the most comprehensive security for your business.
Dive deeper into Intel vPro® Security, a suite of technologies that helps protect the full computing stack. Unlike security software, Intel vPro® Security provides below-the-OS security capabilities against attacks at the firmware and hardware levels.
Understand Intel Threat Detection Technology (Intel TDT) and how it helps prevent ransomware, cryptomining, and even memory-scanning attacks by using hardware-based monitoring to detect and prevent malicious activity.
4 Key Takeaways
Organizations without Intel technologies reported an average of 3.9 material breaches per year, compared to 2.8 annual material breaches for organizations using Intel technologies.1
Organizations using Intel technologies were less likely to experience breaches because of external attacks, internal incidents, attacks or incidents involving third-party suppliers, and lost or stolen assets.2
92% of IT professionals surveyed found that their laptops and desktops were more secure than before after standardizing on Intel vPro.3
Complete utilization of all Intel vPro hardware security features can reduce the attack surface by up to 70%.4
“The effectiveness of Intel vPro hardened security features is borne out in studies. Organizations with more than 5,000 employees that primarily use Intel vPro platform-based devices reported fewer security breaches per year, on average, compared to their counterparts without Intel vPro.”
Forrester Consulting. “The Total Economic Impact™ Of Intel vPro® Hardware-Enabled Security Features.” Commissioned by Intel. September 2022.
“Organizations everywhere need purpose-built PCs that can stop cyber threats, boost user productivity, and even save time and money for IT. Intel vPro is a business computing foundation that integrates hardware and software technologies to give IT organizations greater control over PCs while keeping their users productive.”
Intel ebook, Provide Hardware-Assisted Endpoint Security for Remote Workers with Intel vPro®.
Informações de produto e desempenho
Com base nas respostas de 719 tomadores de decisão de TI (ITDMs, IT decision-makers) em todo o mundo, responsáveis pelo gerenciamento de terminais, à pergunta: “Quantas violações de segurança aconteceram em (dispositivo) com (processador) na sua organização no ano passado?” Fonte: Um estudo comissionado realizado pela Forrester Consulting em nome da Intel, 2021 (em inglês).
Com base nas respostas de 239 ITDMs em todo o mundo, responsáveis pelo gerenciamento de terminais, à pergunta: “Você indicou anteriormente que sua organização sofreu uma violação nos últimos 12 meses. O que possibilitou essa violação na sua organização?” Fonte: Um estudo comissionado realizado pela Forrester Consulting em nome da Intel, setembro 2022 (em inglês).
Com base em uma pesquisa com 416 ITDMs em empresas em todo o mundo que utilizam plataformas Intel vPro nos EUA, Reino Unido, Alemanha, Japão e China. 92% dos entrevistados assinalaram “concordo” ou “concordo totalmente”. Os resultados podem variar. Fonte: Forrester Consulting. “O impacto econômico total da plataforma Intel vPro.” (em inglês) Encomendado pela Intel.
IOActive. “Estudo da superfície de ataque do Intel Core da 13ª Geração.” (em inglês) Encomendado pela Intel. Março de 2023.