Water Restoration in Costa Rica
To support Intel’s commitment to achieve net positive water use, we have funded one water restoration project benefiting Costa Rica. Once fully implemented, this project will restore up to an estimated 46 million gallons each year. This page provides a summary of Intel-funded projects to support Costa Rica’s water resources.
Agua Tica Forest Protection
Location: Río Virilla Watershed, Central Valley, Costa Rica
Implementation Partner: Fundecor
Estimated Restoration Benefit1: Up to 46 million gallons per year
Project Status: Initiated in 2020
Project Description: This project aims to promote water restoration through innovative forest protection schemes in Agua Tica’s action area. Agua Tica is the first public-private water fund established in Costa Rica with the purpose of improving water quality and quantity access for the inhabitants of the great metropolitan area through a green infrastructure investment portfolio. Landowners are compensated for the environmental services of their properties and incentivized to avoid conversion of existing forests to a more degraded condition, enabling activities such as natural and assisted regeneration, sustainable agricultural practices, environmental education, agroforestry systems, and reforestation.
Projects by Location
Explore water restoration projects by location.
2030 Goal: Net Positive Water Use
Over the last two decades, our sustainable water management efforts have enabled us to conserve billions of gallons of water and return approximately 80% of our water use back to our communities. Now, we are broadening our focus to achieve net positive water use by conserving 60 billion gallons of water and funding water projects that restore more fresh water than we consume to our local watersheds.