A atualização do firmware do BIOS pode potencialmente corrigir os erros refletidos no SEL
Erro crítico no SEL:
SmaRT-CLST Estatísticas relatam que foi afirmado, evento de afirmação - transição para crítica a partir de menos severo do sensor PSU 0x67Y
- Os erros refletidos nos logs de depuração não são erros, mas indicam que há uma leve queda de energia, uma vez que as PSU Intel são projetadas para serem sensíveis sobre um sinal de energia e podem detectar pequenas quedas de energia.
- É recomendável usar um UPS on-line em vez de UPS interativo de linha.
- Verifique o modelo/tipo de UPS.
- Atualize o BIOS para a versão mais recente.
Erros de log de depuração;
EventID:0367 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to critical from less severe from PSU sensor 0x66. reports it has been asserted. -Asserted
EventID:0368 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:PS1 Status Sensor Type:Power Supply Description:reports the power supply's input (AC/DC) has been lost -Asserted
EventID:0369 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to non-critical from more severe from PSU sensor 0x66. reports it has been deasserted. -Asserted
EventID:0370 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:44 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to critical from less severe from PSU sensor 0x67. reports it has been asserted. -Asserted
EventID:0371 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:44 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit has suffered a failure -Asserted
EventID:0372 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit is powered off or being powered down -Asserted
EventID:0373 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit's AC is lost -Asserted
EventID:0374 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:P1 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0375 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:P2 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0376 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:31 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit's AC is lost -Deasserted
EventID:0377 Time Stamp:08/24/2030 16:19:43 SensorName:P1 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0378 Time Stamp:08/24/2030 16:19:43 SensorName:P2 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
0628 - RID:0274 TS:06/12/2020 19:25:46 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Boot ED:C: boot completed ET:Asserted EC:OK
0629 - RID:0275 TS:06/12/2020 19:25:46 SN:unnamed sensor 0xB4 (no SDR) ST:Unknown ED:OEM ET:Deasserted EC:OK
0630 - RID:0276 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Stop ED:OS Graceful Shutdown ET:Asserted EC:OK
0631 - RID:0277 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:Unknown ED:Unknown ET:Asserted EC:OK
0632 - RID:0278 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Stop ED:OS Graceful Shutdown ET:Asserted EC:OK