A digitalização de tudo – e das quatro superpotências – está impulsionando a demanda sem precedentes por semicondutores e novas oportunidades de crescimento e inovação para toda a indústria. Diante desse cenário, a Intel está catalisando ecossistemas e colaborando com parceiros e clientes para desbloquear o valor dos negócios hoje e amanhã.
Intel Vision entre 10 a 11 de maio é o mais recente evento da série Intel ON. Durante o evento híbrido, os líderes da Intel anunciarão avanços em silício, software e serviços, mostrando como a Intel leva tecnologias e o ecossistema para desbloquear o valor dos negócios para os clientes hoje e no futuro. Entre os benefícios destacados em todos os exemplos do mundo real estão melhores resultados e insights de negócios, redução do custo total de propriedade, tempo acelerado de mercado e valor, e impacto global positivo.
Argonne National Laboratories, Bosch, Dell, Lenovo, Nourish e Bloom estão entre os muitos clientes e parceiros destacando como a tecnologia Intel está ajudando a alimentar a transformação digital.
Palestras e insights de negócios estarão disponíveis para transmissão ao vivo durante o evento na Intel Newsroom e conteúdo seleto estará disponível sob demanda de 1 a 2 semanas após o evento.
DAY 2: May 11, 2022
- News: Intel apresenta projeto Amber para confiabilidade nuvem à borda e On-Premises
- Live Blog: Intel Vision 2022: Keynote ao vivo do 2º dia
- Keynote Replay: Keynote do Intel Vision 2022 Day 2 (replay) | Presentation: Intel Vision Day 2 Keynote
DAY 1: May 10, 2022
- News: Intel anuncia novas tecnologias da nuvem à borda para resolver os desafios de hoje e do futuro
- News: Habana Labs da Intel lança processadores de IA de segunda geração para treinamento e inferência
- News: Processadores HX Intel Core de 12ª geração lançam como a melhor plataforma de estação de trabalho móvel do mundo
- Live Blog: Day 1 Keynote
- Keynote Replay: Palestra intel vision 2022 (Replay) | Presentation: Intel Vision Day 1 Keynote
- Video Playlist: IntelOn Vision 2022
Dia 1 Destaques, Imagens e Apresentação
Destaques do evento
- Keynote Replay: Palestra intel vision 2022 (Replay) | Presentation: Intel Vision Day 1 Keynote
Destaques do evento
Christoph Schell, executive vice president and chief commercial officer, Sales, Marketing and Communications Group at Intel Corporation, greets the audience at the opening of Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders will announce advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Christoph Schell (left), executive vice president and chief commercial officer, Sales, Marketing and Communications Group at Intel Corporation, and Michelle Johnston Holthaus, executive vice president and general manager of the Client Computing Group at Intel Corporation, speak at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Michelle Johnston Holthaus (left), executive vice president and general manager of the Client Computing Group at Intel Corporation, speaks with Rob Summers, enterprise solutions architect at Intermountain Healthcare, at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Sandra Rivera, executive vice president and general manager of the Datacenter and AI Group at Intel Corporation, displays a wafer holding 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Sapphire Rapids) before the opening of Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders will announce advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Nick McKeown (left), senior vice president and general manager of the Network and Edge Group at Intel Corporation, speaks with Jilea Hemmings (center) and Jamie Hemmings, the founders of Nourish + Bloom, at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Christoph Schell (left), executive vice president and chief commercial officer, Sales, Marketing and Communications Group at Intel Corporation, speaks with Raja Koduri, executive vice president and general manager of the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group, at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Rick Stevens, laboratory director for Computing, Environment and Life Sciences at Argonne National Laboratory, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Marcus Kennedy, general manager of Gaming, Creator and Esports Segment at Intel Corporation, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 10 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Dia 2 Destaques, Imagens e Apresentação
- Keynote Replay: Keynote do Intel Vision 2022 Day 2 | Presentation: Intel Vision Day 2 Keynote
- Nikhil Deshpande and Raghu Yeluri Blog: Advancing Confidential Computing with Intel’s Project Amber
- Anil Rao Blog: Securing AI - and Other Leading Use Cases - with Confidential Computing
- Anil Rao Blog: How to Secure Security: The Frontier of Trust
Greg Lavender, chief technology officer, senior vice president and general manager of the Software and Advanced Technology Group at Intel Corporation, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 11 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Greg Lavender, chief technology officer, senior vice president and general manager of the Software and Advanced Technology Group at Intel Corporation, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 11 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Jason Martin, principal engineer, Security Solutions Lab, and manager of the Secure Intelligence Team at Intel Labs, speaks at Intel Vision 2022 on May 11 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Moderator Kim Zetter (from left), leads a roundtable presentation with Greg Lavender, chief technology officer at Intel Corporation, Jamie Thomas from IBM and Mark Russinovich from Microsoft Azure (who joined virtually) at Intel Vision 2022 on May 11 in Dallas. During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Moderator Kim Zetter (from left), leads a roundtable presentation with Greg Lavender, chief technology officer at Intel Corporation, and Jamie Thomas from IBM at Intel Vision 2022 on May 11 in Dallas. (Mark Russinovich from Microsoft Azure joined virtually.) During the hybrid event, Intel’s leaders announced advancements across silicon, software and services, showcasing how Intel brings together technologies and the ecosystem to unlock business value for customers today and in the future. (Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation)
Infográfico do cliente

12ª Geração Intel Core HX
A Intel revela sete novos processadores Intel Core HX de 12ª geração baseados na arquitetura híbrida de desempenho da Intel. Os sete novos processadores móveis estendem a família série 12 Gen H e foram introduzidos em 10 de maio de 2022. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
A Intel revela sete novos processadores Intel Core HX de 12ª geração baseados na arquitetura híbrida de desempenho da Intel. Os sete novos processadores móveis estendem a família série 12 Gen H e foram introduzidos em 10 de maio de 2022. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
A Intel revela sete novos processadores Intel Core HX de 12ª geração baseados na arquitetura híbrida de desempenho da Intel. Os sete novos processadores móveis estendem a família série 12 Gen H e foram introduzidos em 10 de maio de 2022. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
A Intel apresenta sete novos processadores móveis Intel de 12ª geração de 55 watts para o pico de estação de trabalho e desempenho entusiasta. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
A Intel apresenta sete novos processadores móveis Intel de 12ª geração de 55 watts para o pico de estação de trabalho e desempenho entusiasta. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Habana Gaudi2 & Greco
Uma foto mostra o Cartão Mezanino Habana Gaudi2. Em 10 de maio de 2022, a Habana Labs, equipe de data center da Intel focada em tecnologias de processadores de deep learning de IA, lançou seus processadores de aprendizado profundo de segunda geração para treinamento e inferência: Habana Gaudi2 e Habana Greco. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Gaudi2 entrega ~2x vs. A100 em Modelos Populares Vision & NLP (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Unidades de processamento de infraestrutura
Notícias gráficas
- GPU de Data Center da Intel, código chamado Arctic Sound-M (Ficha técnica)
Em 10 de maio, no Intel Vision, o Laboratório Nacional de Argonne forneceu uma atualização sobre o progresso da instalação do supercomputador Aurora. É uma enorme área de 10 mil pés quadrados (3 km). A equipe tem estado ocupada instalando os racks de cálculo do sistema. Já estão instalados o sistema de armazenamento DAOS, nós de gerenciamento e infraestrutura de resfriamento. Há 44.000 litros de água fluindo pelo sistema para mantê-lo frio. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Em 10 de maio, no Laboratório Nacional Intel Vision, Intel e Argonne mostraram um vídeo de uma das lâminas que alimentará o supercomputador Aurora. O que é mostrado é como a lâmina vai para uma parte de tantos racks que, em última análise, vai alimentar o supercomputador. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Em 10 de maio, no Laboratório Nacional Intel Vision, Intel e Argonne mostraram um vídeo de uma das lâminas que alimentará o supercomputador Aurora. Ele é composto por dois processadores Intel Xeon, codinome Sapphire Rapids com Memória de Alta Largura de Banda (HBM) e seis GPUs de data center Intel, codinome Ponte Vecchio. As lâminas estão conectadas a outros nós, que entram em um interruptor que se encaixa para compor uma parte do supercomputador Aurora. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
Em 10 de maio no Intel Vision, a Intel compartilhou mais detalhes sobre sua GPU de data center Intel, codinome Arctic Sound-M. Esta GPU versátil, acelera o transcódigo de mídia, gráficos visuais e inferência na nuvem. (Crédito: Intel Corporation)
O Projeto Gênio Escondido
Partner News
- Blue White Robotics and Federated Wireless: Blue White Robotics and Federated Wireless collaborate with Intel to chart a new path to autonomous agriculture with flexible robotics and private wireless
- Supermicro: Supermicro Accelerates AI Workloads, Cloud Gaming, Media Delivery with New Systems Supporting Intel's Arctic Sound-M and Intel Habana Labs Gaudi®2