ID do artigo: 000031751 Tipo de conteúdo: Manutenção e desempenho Última revisão: 08/07/2021

Intel® Compute Stick pode detectar um cartão microSD de 128 GB


Intel® Compute Stick STK1AW32SC     Intel® Compute Stick STK2m3W64CC



Use o Intel® Product Compatibility Tool para verificar os acessórios validados para o Intel® Compute Stick STK1AW32SC.


Alguns modelos de 128 GB de cartão microSD (micro-secure digital) não são detectados no Intel® Compute Stick (STK1AW32SC e STK2m3W64CC)


The Intel® Compute Stick STK1AW32SC supports 128GB but not all microSD cards are validated to work and some SD card may not be compatible. There is a huge number of microSD card and Intel® will not be able to validate all to determine which one is compatible and which on is not. The Windows installed in compute sticks is light weight in consideration of the embedded storage and most of the drivers came from Microsoft. Intel Download Center also has no specific driver offered for the card reader. Visit the Intel® Product Compatibility Tool to check the validated accessories for Intel® Compute Stick STK1AW32SC.

For the  Intel® Compute Stick STK2m3W64CC the Sandisk SD card SKU SDSQUNI-256G-GN6MA works correctly as reported by customer (Sandisk advise that the SKU part number SDSQUNI-256G-AN6MA that is Intel® validated on the compatibility tool  is the same as SDSQUNI-256G-GN6MA to be used on the Intel® Compute Stick STK2m3W64CC).

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